Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The Chocolate War War

Monaca high school may ban “the Chocolate War” because a small group of parents think the book’s language is inappropriate, it depicts Catholicism in a bad light, and the sexually suggestive parts, especially about masturbation, aren’t appropriate for 14 or 15 year olds.
Hello! 14 and 15 year olds swear and masturbate. As do many older folks, possibly the ones challenging this book and or writing on this blog. I wasn’t going to admit that, but what the hell. I dare disturb the Universe – which is really the main theme of the book.
The poster in Jerry’s locker (a quote from my favorite poem) tells me instead of caving into the pressure of a small group of self proclaimed leaders, I should go against the grain, just like Jerry. And that’s what the book is about.
Standing up to the bullies, not being afraid of the secret society, (BEEP-BEEP-BEEP… shameless promotion alert!) not running away from the Freemasons, like my character in Rumble at the Bakesale, one of the sketches performed in A Thousand Rays of Hype, the best of the Cellar Dwellers this Friday, 8 p.m., at CCBC’s Allied Health Auditorium. (I don’t want to pressure you into going, but everyone’s going to be there)
Anyway, as a Catholic, a swearer and a masturbator, I am not offended by Robert Cormier’s depictions of any of them. And reading the book did not make me swear more, masturbate more or go to church more. (I already do the third in appropriate proportion to balance the first two.)
If you want to ban a book, go after that one with the prostitutes, the swearing, the violence, the graphic depictions of torture, the incest, the rape, the death and the end of the world.
That’s right ban the Bible.
Whoops. It’s already banned in schools. Not because of anything on the above list, but instead it breaks that all mighty societal taboo … mentioning God!
Ah, the public school system, bullied by small groups of individuals set on getting their way since Huck ran away with Nigger Jim.
No wonder they don’t want this book to be read.
Can you smell fear?
Can you smell irony?
Can you smell a book a burning?


At 12:03 AM, Blogger Joe eoJ said...

also being a church going masterbater since the age of 12 i agree with larry and would like to suggest action be taken against the group who want to ban the book, maybe if we all got together and masterbated in there front yard, i dont know , just throughing that out there. people who believe in censorship should not have the right to say so.

At 11:47 AM, Blogger Mike said...

So basically we are going to have a bunch of literary, church-going, blind people with hairy palms in our theater troupe...



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