Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Just creepy, thanks winter.

Speaking of the unexpected winter glimpse... Last night I was getting off the turnpike at 1 a.m. at an unfamiliar exit because I was very much in need of gas. This is the actual exchange between myself and the tolltaker:

Me: (hands him ticket) Hi, How are you?
Him: (looks at ticket) One dollar.
Me: Here you go (handing him a dollar)
Him: What happened to the fall?
Me: Huh?
Him: What happened to the fall?
Me: Oh..yeah it disappeared real quick didn't it?
Him:(in a strange 'who's your daddy' voice) Yeah, you don't like that, do you?
Me: No...?
Him: Heh heh heh, you don't like that, do you?
Me: Um, Will there be a gas station right after this?
Him: yeah..(mumbled words I don't want to understand...)
Me: G'Night...

Just strange. I blame mother nature too, then, like Mike. And PennDOT. I also believe PennDOT is partially responsible for the Hurricanes. Where were you PennDOT?? WHERE WERE YOU?


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