Thursday, October 20, 2005

Luck Logic

Last night, as I drove home from work a black cat crossed in front of me while I was sitting at stop sign. "Great," I grumbled, "More bad luck. That's all I need." Then, as I restarted off toward my apartment another, completely separate black cat crossed in front of me. (I am sure it was a different cat. It crossed mere seconds after the first from the same side of the road. If it was the same cat it would have needed to speed around the back of my car and re-cross the road.) Now, I'm conflicted. If two black cats cross your path in quick succession does that double your bad luck, or does the second cat negate the bad juju of the first, like a double negative. Does this mean I'm bound to have absolutely horrible luck or unbelievably fantastic luck? Should I hide in my room and weather the storm, or should I go out there and take chances on the possible great luck? Of course, maybe the first cat was only a really dark raccoon. I wasn't paying that much attention.



At 4:04 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

As an Englishy-type person, I'd go with the "double-negative" logic. It sounds like it wouldn't not work to me...

At 4:44 PM, Blogger Marissa said...

I agree with karissa. Especially because her name is a lot like mine.

Even if it was a raccoon, how would that provide you with any kind of consolation? Raccoons are the worst!


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