Sunday, October 23, 2005

I've decided to declare war on Ellwood City

and heres why,
all too often this multi county stradling town has tourmented me, from it's nonsensical speed limits set up only for the purpose of making you accidently speed, to its resturantes thats staff looks down there nose at you if your from out-a-town.

You see for years Ellwood city has been laying in wait nestled near the beaver river almost all roads diverted around the city one way in and one way out, they have become entrirely isolationist having there own hospital, and news paper that only reports news that happens local, its like a real life truman show only the stars created the bubble in which they live.

now you may be saying to yourself , way declare war this town sounds nice and it doesnt seem to be doing any harm to any one,

not yet i say!!! but soon , Just look at the simalarities between Iraq and Ellwood City, both Citys have maps, both are near rivers , both have surrounding towns, yes soon the red dragon which is Ellwood City willl awaken and when that happens look out, we need to strike now before they're prepared
i think they may even have w.m.d's

so we should shoot first and ask questions later,
we must rally together to make sure Ellwood City does not take over the free world and i for one am ready to stop that bastard town at all costs


joe eoj


At 3:24 PM, Blogger Mike said...

Whoooaaaa, someone learned how to put pictures in their blogs.

At 6:14 PM, Blogger Joe eoJ said...

i'llhave you know that i've known how to put pictures on blogs since the patrick swayze in a dress birhday blog.

oh ps.
i also sent the ellwood city chamber of commerce a link to the blog,
screw you ellwood city!!!!

At 2:33 PM, Blogger James said...

So this is just post where you decided to use a distracting amount of pointless pictures?

At 9:18 PM, Blogger Joe eoJ said...

pretty much, that and i do hate ellwood city,

At 8:14 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

My HS football team played there once... I was in the band, and I felt very unwelcome. Does that give you another reason? :-/ Not sure I was trying to do that but oh well.


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