Sunday, February 06, 2005

hey, Joe here,
with some random thoughts about some random things that have been going on at random in my life,
first of i'd just like to say that i'm becoming increasingly more satisfied with F.N.I.B.C it seems to finally be on the right track as far as a mixture of entertaining performance, teaching, and genaral improv practice. secondly ,. i'm increasingly less satisfied as a realestate agent, so i think i'm done with that whole deal
here is a brief conversation that happened in my office,

So Joe you think you'll sell any houses this year

well i guess, i sold one last year why break the cycle

most agents go for more then one a year

well i strive to be different

if you'd come in the office more that might help you out, take some floor time answer the phones , and follow up

ya well i'm here now, and so far it's been 2 and a half hours and the phone rang once, and they wanted to order a pizza


i took there order, man are they gonna be pissed in about 30 minutes or less

you missed a good meeting thursday joe

i had to work

you wouldnt have to work so much if you were here more

well i'd be here more if i had someone else to pay my bills while i was getting started

i didnt have any one to pay my bills while i started,

didnt you tell me last week that your husband was a lawyer

were divorced,

remember the alamony

just come to the weekly meetings ok.

you bet.

so thats pretty much the jist of why i am not going back to the office

on a good note, my kitten roxy is doing well and as cute as ever.

lots of love and what not

joe eoj


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