Thursday, March 24, 2005

Save Toby

There are alot of "life or death" threats being made in today's society. If it isn't terrorists, it's state judges or lawyers. But these morbid threats on the right to life don't just stop with us humans... they apply to bunnies as well.

The other night my brother sent me a link to Save Toby is a bunny that was discovered by an anonymous man who is now holding him ransom. The catch is that if people don't donate $50,000 by June 30, he will take Toby to the butcher and have him cleaved and prepared for dinner. Cruel? Maybe. Hilarious? Oh yes. I don't know why I didn't think of this myself... the guy has already made almost $20,000! And better yet, you don't just have to donate money, he's also selling shirts and hats that say things like "Only YOU can save Toby!" and "Toby for President 2008."

To make matters worse (and get more sympathy donations) he has a ton of adorable pictures of Toby doing all sorts of things. Toby sitting on a cutting board, in a big broiling pot, reading the Wall Street Journal, etc. This brings the cute-factor up to about a 9. The site gets to the point where you almost can't leave without feeling like you have to give this guy money.

I guess in reality he is extorting the national public. But since no one necessarily has to donate, and yet he is still making a ton of money for nothing, I would consider him a entrepreneur. This, of course, should make members of the SHU community quite proud. I won't be donating any money, but I am considering getting another hamster... and a webcam... and a paypal account. Just for a rainy day.


At 11:24 PM, Blogger Joe eoJ said...


At 6:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you seen the parody

This parody is apparently linking to all the other clones


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