Friday, March 04, 2005

profesional cons.

hey joe here,

consider this

mid 20's , crap job, unfullfilled dreams.

what would you do if you were in that situation,

it has been suggested by nameless sources that L.A. is the place to be when all life fails. and well that sounds so reasonable in this situation, however , as i usually do, i've constructed a list of pros and cons, about making the left coast pillramige and here they are in no paticular order, ( okay , in order that i thought of them,)

pro. sunny all the time

con. earthquakes

pro. earthsquakes, i think it would be fun,,,,,once

con. gangs

pro. gangs (finallly aceptance, and i'd only have to kill a few people)

con. an entire society of fake plastic faces

pro. an entire society of fake plastic breasts

con. the only acting work i'd probably get would be in porn

pro. see above

con. gengus

pro. i do have friends there

con. expensive

pro. it's warm all the time who needs an apartment

con. i'm not jewish

pro. i'm not jewish

con. i might not make it

pro. i might make it a little bit, ( guest spot on days, or contestant on price is right)

con. i'd have to be a waiter somewhere till i got my break

pro. i'd have alot in common with the other waiters

con. unlike now, there'd be no chance in someone recognizing me in a mall

pro. i would never know that cuase i wouldnt be able to afford to shop at the mall

and finally

con. ( i'm too lazy to think of another con.)

well thats about it

on a brighter note, b.h.s extended my contract for next years fall play, so someone write one for me,

joe eoj


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