Monday, January 16, 2006

cinnamon toast crunch cost approx 76 cents per square foot

At an average of $4.79 a box and the average of 1500 1/2 sqaures per said box, cinnamon toast crunch costs roughly 76 cents per sqaure foot.

lamanent flooring costs about $4.75 cents per square foot, but is alot more durable

moist towelettes ( in package) cost about 45 cents per squre foot, but arent as edible

condoms (in package) cost roughly (bought in bulk) $5. 13 per square foot, unless your a magnum

Tom Cruise costs, $114,285.71 per pound, based on his going rate of 20 mill a movie. thats some grade A prime hunk of meat.

joe eoj


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